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12 Отзывы
Sh**** *******er
La mia altezza e il mio peso: la circonferenza della vita è 64, giusto, il maglione sarà un po' stretto quando è imbottito, ma il maglione aderente dovrebbe andare bene
Mr* *** ****er
Un set sembra buono e senza preoccupazioni haha, la qualità è molto buona!
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Le**** ***********ir
It looks very good, and the yellow leather can also be worn. The body is quilted. It doesn’t look thick but the upper body is warm. I am very satisfied. ~
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Er*** ***ch
A borda de veludo e as pérolas da jaqueta são muito bonitas. Estou ansioso pelo efeito de um conjunto
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Mr* **** ****** *VM
Matière du tissu : Suggestion de collocation : Le col n'est pas très beau, je trouve qu'il aura l'air mieux avec un col vert Avoir l'air mieux, il a l'air bien quand vous le démontez Matériau du tissu: Il se sent bien, vous devriez porter un pull ajusté au-dessus de zéro Il n'y a pas de problème Conception de style: Très beau, le vert est très blanc Ma taille et mon poids : 165 Le vert est très beau, trouble obsessionnel-compulsif Acheté un ensemble
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Mi** ****** ***ch
The shape is very good, the color is not what I imagined, but it is acceptable
Ke**** **ns
모양도 너무 좋고 색도 생각했던거랑은 다르지만 무난합니다
He*** ******* V
Мой рост и вес: окружность талии 64, в самый раз, свитер будет немного тесным, когда набит, но облегающий свитер должен быть в порядке




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    Panda theme

    Panda theme is a modern, clean and professional Prestashop theme, it comes with a lot of useful features. Panda theme is fully responsive, it looks stunning on all types of screens and devices.

    Panda theme

    Panda theme is a modern, clean and professional Prestashop theme, it comes with a lot of useful features. Panda theme is fully responsive, it looks stunning on all types of screens and devices.

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